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Thursday, April 24, 2008
~ 3:57 PM ~

Currently Dead Site

Yes, its been quite dead for a long period...
and it will still continue to be dead for a longer time...
Currently very busy... I'm trying to finish a story ... and yes... its in chinese.... so... sad for most of my fren which don't really read chinese that much.

However, i really can't find time to complete it....
And sadly, I'm lacking of inspiration........
I'm dying to have this story finished...but...

Another reason i can't complete it is because... ITS SCHOOL TIME......
damn... school school school... you know~ school... work....
diaoz.... they are quite.... time occupying
LOL (Excuses!!!!)

To be serious... im just too occupied with Cabal... a game... lol
Game... my only toy... lol...
Hopefully i will be back to the story writing part asap~~~
and by that time hope my fellow usual supporter will drop by my blog again....

However, a good piece of news, i have created a new site, which ... in it, consist of various story... which i think is nice and worth reading ... Click HERE or the link on the right under *Affiliate*

Btw enjoy school while we STILL CAN!!! last semester man ...we might actually miss it after that~

P.S. updated my background song~ if u noticed~

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* 虚幻的天国 *

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* Shufen aka Bellz *
* ChaiHui aka Icy *
* DingLong aka Nicholas * * XiuXiang aka Edna *
* PeiLing aka PL *
* CongKai aka CK *
* ChunSen aka Apple *
* HuiQing aka Qing *
* ZhiHui aka Mel *

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* XiuXiang aka Edna *

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* Blogger *
* Shufen aka Bellz *
* DingLong aka Nicholas *
* Glitter Graphics *